MOOD BOARD: RENDEZVOUS – Late Night Hotel Music.

Welcome to "Rendezvous," the playlist designed to elevate the ambiance of your hotel bar into the most sought-after club experience as evening falls. This collection is a sophisticated yet accessible blend of house music, perfectly suited for intimate dance floors where lights dim and the night's potential unfurls. Hotel music for late nights. Read More

Mood Board: The Magic of Mellow Vibes. Slower-paced background music sets the scene

Welcome to our Mood Board series, where we delve into the origins and inspirations behind our Playlists and Scenes and our approach to background music. Finding moments of peace and relaxation can feel like a luxury in a chaotic and fast-paced world. Yet, in places like hotels, lounges, and small stores, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and refinement is not just a luxury but a necessity. The secret ingredient? Mellow music. Read More

Music for Brands: quip & Beats – Your Ultimate Oral Care Jams

Welcome to a world where beats meet brushes; Activaire is your go-to for turning every space into a musical masterpiece. Music for brands is our passion but we're not just about curating playlists; we're about crafting experiences, and our love affair with music and branding is pretty nerdy and obsessive. Every track is handpicked to vibe with the space, the brand, and their fans.  Read More

Music and Nuanced Brand Messaging

In saturated markets, brand messaging and storytelling must be elegant, agile, and nuanced. Beauty brands like Glossier, Jecca, and Go Lunar use messaging over tech, pricing, or distribution models to keep their competitive edge in a multi-billion dollar industry. Business of Fashion describes how brands like Gymshark and District Vision feature "gentle messaging" as their unique value proposition to go up against activewear titans.  Read More

Whats next?

An actual human being will contact you!
First we discuss your needs and curate a music program suited for your business. We'll have you up and running in no time.